

The New York Chapter is managed by officers and directors who are elected annually by the Chapter membership. Our officers consist of President, First and Second Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary and Financial Secretary. Our Directors are elected from the Chapter membership. Past Presidents and Officers are eligible for director positions if they so choose. Voting for Officers and Directors is conducted by email, typically in May of each year, with the newly elected individuals assuming office in June. The official Chapter year runs from June through the subsequent May of each calendar year. The Chapter Board meets once a month and organizes dinner events with technical presentations that are often eligible for Professional Development Hour (PDH) credit.


Board of Directors 2022-2023





  • Jonathan Mendoza, PE
  • Richard Lefever, PE
  • Ivan Ramirez, PE
  • Marc Chiffert, PE
  • Rudi Sherbansky, PE
  • Hermant Pereira, PE
  • Pete Bakarich, PE